I was intrigued to find out that my Tromm DD Inverter 6.5kg WD-951RD washing machine also included a feature to dry the clothes--in the same machine. After my Korean handler explained the different buttons the best she could, I asked, "Well does the dryer work?" "I don't know,"
So, I bravely tried my first load of laundry that very next day after school. I set the buttons the best I could and let it to. The timer went to 3:45! Was it going to take 3 hours and 45 minutes to wash and dry a single load? It did. So, I went about my business until about the second hour. I smelt a strange, new smell.
I have smelt many clothes dryers before. The hot air blowing through the wet clothes creates a very distinct smell. I have also smelt clothes burning--weather it is an old rag tossed in a fire, or a shirt that got too toasty after being placed in the oven when I was in a hurry. This smell was something in between. It was oddly pleasant. I watched closely as the Tromm DD Inverter did its thing. I wondered if it was burning my clothes, or if there was some malfunction. Nope, it was just drying my clothes in its own special way.
When the dryer was finally finished, my found my clothes were too hot to touch. Really, I had to open the door and let the clothes cool-off before I could fold them. The next load wasn't as successful. The machine "baked" my clothes dry as it had before, but this time, it baked in wrinkles. They were really bad.
So, if you like the smell of freshly baked clothes wafting through your apartment, and don't mind some baked-in wrinkled, then the Tromm DD Inverter 6.5kg WD-951RD washing machine and "clothes oven" is for you.
Haha, I gotta bake me some clothes sometime. I added your blog to my Korean blogroll. Cheers!